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华东师范大学终身教授、博士生导师;中美绿色合作伙伴(湿地研究与绿色发展)中方首席科学家;中国发展研究院长江流域可持续发展研究中心主任。国际生态工程学报International Journal of Ecological Engineering、《环境科学研究》、和《湿地科学》等学术刊物编委。1998年起享受国务院特殊津贴。1978年获华东师范大学学士学位,1985年获美国华盛顿州立大学博士学位(生态学专业)。1989年任英国诺丁汉大学生理和环境科学系客座研究员,1994年~1995年为荷兰皇家海洋研究所高级访问学者,1996年任美国旧金山大学客座教授。



Jianjian Lu is Professor of Ecology, East China Normal University,Shanghai, China, where he is also director of the Chongxi WetlandResearch Center; Lifetime Professor in ecology and environmentalsciences; Chief Scientist in Sino-US Eco-partnership for wetlandresearch; and Director of Sustainable Development Research Centerof the Yangtze River Basin, China Development Research Academy.He recieved his MS in ecology in 1981 at East China Normal University, China, his Ph.D. in ecology in1985 at Washington StateUniversity, USA. He is author ofWetlands in China, and 9 other works, and more than 100 paperspublished inScience, Ecological Engineering,Wetlands,Science in China, andEcology(in Chinese) and so on since 1986. His main research interests are in wetland ecology, ecological restoration, and systems ecology. He gained an honors certificate for strategic research on a national medium- to long-range program for scientific and technological development in ecology and environmental science; and first-class prize of scientific and technological development for ecological engineering in Jiuduansha Shoals, Shanghai.